
Tips for Healthier And Stronger Hair In Men

Getting strong and healthy hair isn’t tough at all; it can be achieved by tweaking your daily lifestyle. Discover new tips to help you fight against hair loss and maintain a voluminous and lustrous mane.

Getting strong and healthy hair isn’t tough at all; it can be achieved by tweaking your daily lifestyle. Discover new tips to help you fight against hair loss and maintain a voluminous and lustrous mane. 

You are What You Eat

Firstly, an improper diet can lead to a lack of nutrients, causing your hair to become brittle and fall out more easily. Here are some foods that will help you maintain a lush-looking head. 

1. Mediterranean diet

Research has shown that the Mediterranean diet decreases the risk of male pattern baldness, the most common form of hair loss among men. So, what’s in the Mediterranean diet? The most significant aspects of this diet are fresh vegetables and herbs. One easy-to-make dish that you can try is fresh salad. Simply toss into a bowl some fresh vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes, as well as fresh herbs such as rosemary, sage, parsley or basil. Munching on these fresh vegetables and herbs at least 3 times a week has proven to reduce the risk of male pattern baldness. 

2. High-protein foods

Proteins do wonders for both building muscle and maintaining strong and healthy hair. In fact, every strand of your hair is 95% keratin, which is the hair protein. High-protein foods are ubiquitous and are most likely already part of your daily diet. 

These include: 

  • Eggs
  • Lean meat
  • Seafood
  • Tofu
  • Greek yoghurt

3. Iron-rich foods 

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), iron deficiency is the most common form of deficiency in the world. Unfortunately, too little iron can lead to hair loss. Thankfully, hair loss that is due to iron deficiency is easily reversible. Replenish your body’s reservoir of iron with these iron-rich foods: 

  • Lean beef
  • Beans
  • Eggs
  • Green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach 

You should also strive to consume more vitamin C as it helps your body absorb iron more efficiently. Foods rich in vitamin C include:

  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Melons
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli

4. Foods rich in omega-3 

You might have already heard of rumours about omega-3 and fish oil being great for your health. While many health benefits of omega-3 remain debatable till today, it has been scientifically established that omega-3 are beneficial for hair growth and hair loss prevention. 

Omega-3 works by supplying your hair follicles and skin with the nutrients and proteins that it needs. It also promotes blood circulation in your scalp, triggering hair growth. Furthermore, it helps prevent inflammation in your hair follicles, which is often a direct cause of hair loss.

Omega-3 fish oils can be easily bought off the shelves. Not so keen on those? The good news is that there are many other sources of omega-3 that you can incorporate into your daily diet. These include:

  • Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna
  • Egg yolks
  • Walnuts
  • Flax seeds

Scrutinise Your Hair Product Labels

The next time you use your hair care products, you might want to read the ingredient labels first. Some hair care products, ironically, aren’t that caring for your hair after all. If your hair care products contain any of the following ingredients, it’s time to ditch them and shop for a new one.

  • Sulfate
  • Parabens
  • Fragrance
  • PEG
  • Formaldehyde
  • Hexachlorophene
  • Phthalates 

Don’t Forget Your Hair Conditioner 

After shampooing your hair, remember to use a hair conditioner. Conditioners are essential for maintaining the moisture and natural oils of your hair, ultimately helping to keep the shine in your hair. 

Here’s how to use your shampoo and conditioner correctly.

While shampooing, it is more important to massage your scalp instead of completely focusing on the lengths of your hairWhen using a hair conditioner, it’s best to avoid the scalp and apply the conditioner only to the lengths of your hair.

Keep Your Hair on Your Head, Not on Your Comb

If you’ve just stepped out of your shower, resist the temptation to brush your hair immediately. That’s because brushing your hair when it is still wet can lead to significant damage and breakage. If you really need to brush your hair when it is still wet, switch to a brush that has its bristles spaced further apart.  

Stop Smoking

Has anyone ever nagged you to quit smoking? Well, brace yourself, as we’re about to nag you further. Many studies have shown that smoking is associated with male pattern baldness since tobacco damages your hair follicles. 

Smoking is also terrible for your general blood circulation as it causes plaque to build up in your blood vessels. Not only does this increase your risk of stroke and heart attack, but it also hinders the blood supply to your scalp, causing your hair follicles to be deprived of nutrients that are usually transported by blood. Moreover, a study in 2013 also discovered that smoking causes your grey hair to sprout out before you even turn 30 years old. 

Essentially, smoking is terrible for your health, including your hair’s health. Don’t smoke your hair and health away! For more information and support on quitting smoking, check out the smoking cessation programmes by the Health Promotion Board (HPB). 

Embrace It

Balding doesn’t necessarily make you less attractive. Don’t believe us? Dwayne Johnson, better known as “The Rock”, has literally been rocking the bald look. There’s a long list of bald celebrities that still look great and charming, including Pitbull, Howie Mandel and Bruce Willis. 

If you need more solid evidence on the attractiveness of baldness, a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania revealed that bald men were perceived to be more dominant, taller and stronger. Whatever it is, confidence is key to looking and feeling fabulous. Learn to love the way you look and don’t compare yourself with others!

How We Can Help

Arx offers hair loss treatments for men who are having signs of male pattern baldness. It’s simple, convenient and you don’t even need to leave your house. Ready to embark on your journey towards a fuller head of hair? Click here to find out more!


  •  Fortes, C., Mastroeni, S., Mannooranparampil, T., Abeni, D., & Panebianco, A. (2017). Mediterranean diet: fresh herbs and fresh vegetables decrease the risk of Androgenetic Alopecia in males. Archives of Dermatological Research, 310(1), 71–76.
  • World Health Organization. (2020, April 20). WHO guidance helps detect iron deficiency and protect brain development. World Health Organization. 
  •  Gavazzoni Dias, M. F. R. (2015). Hair cosmetics: An overview. International Journal of Trichology, 7(1), 2–15.
  • Su, L.H., & Chen, T. H. H. (2007). Association of Androgenetic Alopecia With Smoking and Its Prevalence Among Asian Men. Archives of Dermatology, 143(11), 1401–1406. 
  • Zayed, A. A., Shahait, A. D., Ayoub, M. N., & Yousef, A. M. (2013). Smokers′ hair: Does smoking cause premature hair graying? Indian Dermatology Online Journal, 4(2), 90–92. 
  • Mannes, A. E. (2012). Shorn Scalps and Perceptions of Male Dominance. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4(2), 198–205.

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